I spent about 5 years at Sydney University. The background is the physics building


I've also spent about five years at Osaka University. This photo is in front of the cherry blossoms at Osaka University. The guy on the left is a Tanooki, the mythical wild racoon of Japan. He always carries a bottle of sake with him and causes trouble. The guy on the right doesn't need to carry sake to get into trouble ; )



And this is our rabbit, Boo-chan. these photos were taken by the camera on my phone so they aren't so great quality. He's only about 3 weeks old here. Since he's too young for us to tell if he's actually a boy, we just assume that he's a boy. He likes to sit in his food bowl.


This is a photo of me in the lab. It shows our laser system (white boxes in the foreground). At maximum (only for an instant), we can produce a peak power of  35 Megawatts, and when we focus that inside a sample, the small area of focus receives more than 10 Petawatts per square centimeter. Although this power is only reached for an instant (around one picosecond) and only in a very small area, the power density is more than one billion times that at the surface of the sun (the sun surface is approx 6.36 kW/cm2, but there are a lot of square cm on the surface of the sun. That's why it's so hot even though the power density is not that high).