Biomedical Raman Imaging 2019
24-26 November 2019
Icho Kaikan, Suita Campus, Osaka University, Japan
The recent developments in Raman spectroscopy and microscopy have expanded their application into previously unexplored areas of biology, medicine, and pharmaceutical science. The notable improvements in both sensitivity and imaging speed have paved the way to apply the powerful analytical capability of Raman spectroscopy for biomedical research. Raman imaging has now become a new imaging modality that can provide molecular-level information in biological systems inaccessible by conventional optical techniques.
The aim of this symposium is to share the state-of-the-art achievements in instrumentation and applications research in biomedical Raman imaging, and to discuss the current issues and future directions. We invite scientists from all research fields to join our symposium, share our interests in biomedical Raman imaging, and help strengthen the network of all of us who are interested in pushing the boundaries of biomedical applications of Raman microscopy.
Program at a glance (updated, 23 Nov 2019)
A report in Spectroscopy, 35 (4) 43-46 (2020)
Invited speakers: |
Thomas Bocklitz, Leibniz Institute of Photonic Technology, "Chemometrics and Machine learning for the analysis of Raman related data"
Paola Borri, Cardiff University, "Quantitative hyperspectral coherent Raman scattering microscopy for bioimaging"
Ji-Xin Cheng, Boston University, "Most recent advances in coherent Raman scattering microscopy"
Marcus T Cicerone, Georgia Institute of Technology, "Discovering Biology with Broadband CARS"
Mariko Egawa, Shiseido Global Innovation Center, "Application of Raman microscopy to skin evaluation"
Duncan Graham, University of Strathclyde, "Biomedical imaging of cells and tissue using Raman spectroscopy"
Mamoru Hashimoto, Hokkaido University, "Nerve imaging and segmentation used by coherent Raman endoscopy and deep learning"
Alison J Hobro, Osaka University, "Raman imaging of cellular responses to their local environment"
Zhiwei Huang, National University of Singapore, "Coherent Raman scattering microscopy for super-resolution imaging"
Hideaki Kano, Tsukuba University, "CARS molecular fingerprinting using a supercontinuum light source"
Tamiki Komatsuzaki, Hokkaido University, "On-the-fly Raman image microscopy by reinforcement machine learning"
Wei Min, Columbia University, "Stimulated Raman scattering microscopy: where we are after 10 years"
Ioan Notingher, The University of Nottingham, "Selective sampling Raman microscopy techniques based on spatial light modulators"
Yasuyuki Ozeki, The University of Tokyo, "Multicolor stimulated Raman scattering microscopy with functional lasers"
Jürgen Popp, Leibniz Institute of Photonic Technology, "Raman optical biopsy - past, the present and the future"
Hervé Rigneault, Institut Fresnel, CNRS, "Label free nonlinear microscopy and endoscopy',"
Nicholas I Smith, Osaka University, "Evaluating single-cell phenotype and heterogeneity by Raman spectroscopy"
Mikiko Sodeoka, RIKEN, "Alkyne-Tag Raman Imaging"
Lingyan Shi, University of California San Diego, "Visualizing Metabolic Activities in Tissues and Animals with High Resolution Vibrational Imaging"
Rita Strack, Nature Methods, "Publishing Raman Imaging and Microscopy in Nature Methods" (Evening Event).
Rachel Won, Nature Photonics, "Nature Photonics and You" (Evening Event).
| Evening Event: |
The event will include "Panel Discussion" with Editors from top journals and "Evening Mixer" with food and drinks at the exhibition and poster session halls, providing opportunities for discussion on the future of Raman imaging and networking for collaborations. (Fee for participation: 3,000 JPY)
Panelists: Rita Strack (Senior Editor, Nature Methods), Rachel Won (International Editor, Nature Photonics), Duncan Graham, Wei Min, Katsumasa Fujita
Organizers: |
PhotoBIO-OIL, Advanced Institute of Science and Technology (AIST), Japan
JSPS Core-to-Core Program, Photonics Center, Osaka University
IR/Raman Spectroscopy Division, The Spectroscopical Society of Japan (SpSJ)
in corporation with
The Japan Society for Laser Microscopy,
The Laser Society of Japan,
The Japan Society for Laser Microscopy,
The Japan Association of Medical Spectroscopy,
The Society of Instrument and Control Engineers,
Optoelectronics Industry and Technology Development Association,
Japan Optomechatronics Association,
The Japanese Association of Anatomists,
The Optical Society of Japan,
Japan Society for Cell Biology,
The Biophysical Society of Japan |
Endorsement: |
Center for Global Initiative, Osaka University
Venue: |
Icho Kaikan, Suita Campus, Osaka University, Japan
2-2 Yamadaoka, Suita, Osaka 565-0871 Japan.
Program: |
24 November | |
15:00 - 15:20 | Opening Remark |
15:20 - 16:50 | J-X. Cheng, Y. Ozeki, J. Popp |
16:50 - 18:30 | Welcome Reception |
25 November | |
9:30 - 10:35 | I. Notingher, A. Hobro |
10:35 - 10:55 | Break |
10:55 - 12:15 | M. Sodeoka, W. Min, T. Wu |
12:15 - 13:30 | Lunch & Exhibit |
13:30 - 15:00 | Poster Session & Exhibit |
15:00 - 16:15 | L. Shi, D. Graham, K. Fujita |
16:20 - 20:00 | Evening Event: Future of Raman Imaging (by SpSJ) |
(16:20-18:00) | Panel Discussion : R. Won, R. Strack, W. Min, D. Graham, N. Smith, K. Fujita |
(18:00-20:00) | Evening Mixer (with Food and Drinks) |
26 November | |
9:30 - 10:35 | P. Borri, M. Egawa |
10:35 - 10:55 | Break |
10:55 - 12:15 | H. Rigneault, M. Hashimoto, K. Ogawa, A. Germond |
12:15 - 13:35 | Lunch & Exhibit |
13:35 - 14:55 | M. Cicerone, H. Kano, A. de la Cadena, Y. Harada |
14:55 - 15:15 | Break |
15:05 - 16:25 | Z. Huang, K. Hiramatsu, M. Pleitez, M. Tamamitsu |
16:25 - 16:45 | Break |
16:45 - 18:00 | T. Bocklitz, T. Komatsuzaki, N. Smith |
18:00 - 18:10 | Closing Remark |
Oral presentations (contributed): |
Radek Pelc, Tao Wu, Institute of organic chemistry and biochemistry, Czech academy of sciences, "Spectral counterstaining in luminescence-enhanced Raman imaging of living cells"
Katsuhiro Ogawa, Yusuke Oshima, Masafumi Inomata, Oita University, "Identification of nervous system in gastrointestinal wall using Raman spectroscopy"
Arno Germond, Vipin Kumar, Tomonobu M. Watanabe, RIKEN, "Toward predicting gene expression and metabolic functions from label-free Raman imaging of living cells."
Alejandro De la Cadena, Andrea Ragni, Giuseppe Sciortino, Carlo M. Valensise, Marco Marangoni, Marco Sampietro, Giorgio Ferrari, Giulio Cerullo and Dario Polli, Politecnico di Milano, "Two new approaches to broadband stimulated Raman scattering microscopy"
Kotaro Hiramatsu, Keisuke Goda, The University of Tokyo, "High-throughput Broadband Vibrational Flow Cytometry"
Miguel A. Pleitez, Asrar Ali Khan, Alice Soldà, Andriy Chmyrov, Josefine Reber, Francesca Gasparin, Markus R. Seeger, Benedikt Schätz, Stephan Herzig, Marcel Scheideler, and Vasilis Ntziachristos, Helmholtz Zentrum München/IBMI, Chair of Biological Imaging (CBI) and Center for Translational Cancer Research (TranslaTUM), Technische Universität München, "Mid-infrared optoacoustic microscopy with label-free chemical contrast in living cells and tissues"
Miu Tamamitsu, Keiichiro Toda, Hiroyuki Shimada, Takaaki Honda, Masaharu Takarada, Kohki Okabe, Yu Nagashima, Ryoichi Horisaki, and Takuro Ideguchi, The University of Tokyo, "Vibrational imaging of single cells by wide-field phase-sensitive imaging of mid-infrared photothermal effect"
| Poster presentations (contributed):
Poster Size : A0
H: 1189 mm
W: 841 mm
before Lunch, 25 Nov
after Mixer, 25 Nov
Khalifa Mohammad Helal, Harsono Cahyadi, J. Nicholas Taylor, Akira Okajima, Yasuaki Kumamoto, Hideo Tanaka, Yoshinori Harada, Tamiki Komatsuzaki, Hokkaido University, "Raman Hyperspectral Image Analysis Using Ensemble Learning for Non-alcoholic Fatty Liver Disease"
Kyoko Masui, Shun Morishita, Tatsuki Hamamoto, Wataru Minoshima, Chie Hosokawa, Vincent R Daria, Hidekazu Ishitobi, Yasushi Inouye, PhotoBIO-OIL, AIST-Osaka Univ., "Live-cell Raman imaging of hippocampal neuronal cells"
Matthew Lindley, Kotaro Hiramatsu, Fukashi Shibata, Tsuyoshi Takeshita, Shigeyuki Kawano, Keisuke Goda, The University of Tokyo, "Single-laser Fluorescence-Raman Flow Cytometry"
Yusuke Oshima, Tohoku University, "Raman spectroscopic approaches to bone and cartilage diseases toward clinical application"
Jean-Emmanuel Clement, Shunsuke Ono, Kentaro Mochizuki, Katsumasa Fujita, Tamiki Komatsuzaki, Hokkaido University, "Accelerated Raman hyperspectral imaging for cancer diagnosis"
Shigekazu Takizawa, Kotaro Hiramatsu, Keisuke Goda, The University of Tokyo, "Compressed time-domain Raman spectroscopy toward video-rate molecular fingerprint imaging"
Miguel A. Pleitez, Asrar Ali Khan, Alice Soldà, Andriy Chmyrov, Josefine Reber, Francesca Gasparin, Markus R. Seeger, Benedikt Schätz, Stephan Herzig, Marcel Scheideler, Vasilis Ntziachristos, Institute of Biological and Medical Imaging, Helmholtz Zentrum München, Chair of Biological Imaging (CBI) and Center for Translational Cancer Research (TranslaTUM), Technische Universität München, "Mid-infraRed Optoacoustic Microscopy (MiROM) – new tool for label-free metabolic imaging of living cells and tissues"
Hanae Hirano, Hiroyuki Kawagoe, Kentaro Mochizuki, Hu Fangao, Mikiko Sodeoka, Wei Min, Katsumasa Fujita, Osaka University, "Multiplex molecular imaging by spontaneous Raman microscopy and Raman tag"
Shumpei Yabuuchi, Ryosuke Oketani, Kozue Watanabem Nicholas I. Smith, Katsumasa Fujita, Osaka University, "Super-resolution Raman microscopy using three-dimensional structured line illumination"
Menglu Li, Yasunori Nawa, Satoshi Fujita, Katsumasa Fujita, PhotoBIO-OIL, AIST-Osaka University, "Non-invasive discrimination of cell types by Raman Microscopy"
Yasunori Nawa, Menglu Li, Satoshi Fujita, Katsumasa Fujita, PhotoBIO-OIL, AIST-Osaka University, "3D Label-free imaging of intracellular molecules by using slit-scanning confocal Raman microscopy"
Kentaro Mochizuki, Yasuaki Kumamoto, Yoshinori Harada, Hideo Tanaka, Katsumasa Fujita, Osaka University, "High-speed Raman imaging of biological specimen by multiple-line illumination"
Yasuaki Kumamoto, Kentaro Mochizuki, Kosuke Hashimoto, Yoshinori Harada, Hideo Tanaka, Katsumasa Fujita, Osaka University, "High-throughput cell imaging and classification by narrowband and low-spectral-resolution Raman microscopy"
Kazuki Bando, Kota Koike, Jun Ando, Zhiqiang Zhang, Kentaro Mochizuki, Masato Tanuma, Hiroyuki Yamakoshi, Naoki Terayama, Kosuke Dodo, Atsushi Kasai, Mikiko Sodeoka, Satoshi Kawata and Katsumasa Fujita, Osaka University, "SERS microscopy for high-sensitivity detection of intracellular molecules and environments"
Co-chair: |
Katsumasa Fujita ... Osaka Univ, AIST, Prabhat Verma ... Osaka Univ,
Eiichi Tamiya ... Osaka Univ, AIST
International Steering Committee: |
Nicholas I. Smith ... Osaka University
Jürgen Popp ... Leibniz Institute of Photonic Technology
Duncan Graham ... University of Strathclyde
Wei Min ... Columbia University
| Local Organizers
Shin-ichi Wakida ... AIST
Satoshi Fujita ... AIST
Harumi Sato ... Kobe University
Yuika Saito ... Gakushuin University
Takaaki Yano ... Tokushima University
Katsumasa Fujita ... Osaka University
Yasuaki Kumamoto ... Osaka University
Ryosuke Oketani ... Osaka University
Haruna Tagashira ... Osaka University
Contact: | bri2019@ap.eng.osaka-u.ac.jp |
Links: | COMS - Conference Management Software
Imaging & Microscopy
Spectroscopy |