The 22nd Annual Meeting of The Japan Association of Medical Spectroscopy
& Biomedical Raman Imaging Workshop 2024

November 25-27, 2024
Convention Center / Photonics Center, Osaka University (Suita Campus)

The Japan Association of Medical Spectroscopy (JAMS) provides a platform for discussing a wide range of topics, from technological development to practical applications, with the aim of applying spectroscopy and spectroscopic measurement technologies to the biomedical field. Spectroscopic measurement technologies have rapidly advanced, from the development of devices to spectral analysis methods, and numerous new applications are being proposed in the biomedical field. This research meeting aims to contribute to future medical fields through cross-disciplinary discussions, covering topics from basic to applied research.
  This time, we will co-organize an international workshop “Biomedical Raman Imaging (BRI) Workshop 2024.” The workshop will feature hands-on seminars, including lectures on the basics of Raman imaging and applications, including a demonstration of Raman imaging of biological samples. In addition, we will provide opportunities for discussions with experts in Raman imaging techniques, and we warmly welcome the participation of those interested in Raman imaging.
  We invite oral and poster presentations. Please take this opportunity to discuss with researchers who share common interests.

  今回は、国際ワークショップ「Biomedical Raman Imaging (BRI) Workshop 2024」と共同で開催します。国外からも多くの研究者を招き、ラマンイメージングの基礎から最新の研究成果の紹介、細胞のラマンイメージングを実演するハンズオンセミナーを開催します。さらに、ラマンイメージング技術の専門家とのディスカッションの場も設けております。ラマンイメージングに興味をお持ちの方々のご参加をお待ちしております。

Speakers (confirmed)

Jun Ando, RIKEN

Ishan Barman, Johns Hopkins University

Martin Booth, University of Oxford

Kosuke Dodo, RIKEN

Katsumasa Fujita, Osaka University

Mika Ishigaki, Shimane University

Hyeon Jeong Lee, Zhejiang University

Menglu Li, Shenzhen Medical Academy of Research and Translation

Mako Kamiya, Tokyo Institute of Technology

Ryo Kato, Osaka University

Yasuaki Kumamoto, Osaka University

Takahiro Nishimura, Osaka University

Yasuyuki Ozeki, University of Tokyo

Hidetoshi Sato, Kwansei Gakuin University

Shinsuke Shigeto, Kwansei Gakuin University

Makoto Suematsu, Central Institute for Experimental Medicine and Life Science

Toshihiro Takamatsu, AIST

Lu Wei, Caltech

Jesse Chi Zhang, Purdue University

and more!

Program Overview (tentative)

All sessions will be conducted in English.
November 25 @Convention Center, Osaka University
13:00-16:30JAMS Session 1&2
16:30-19:00Networking Session (with Food & Drink)
November 26 @Convention Center, Osaka University
9:30-11:30BRI Workshop Session 1
13:00-18:30JAMS Session 3&4
November 27 @Photonics Center, Osaka University
9:30-12:00BRI Workshop Session 2
13:30-15:00BRI Workshop Session 3
15:20-17:50BRI Workshop, Demonstration & Exchange*

*Demonstration of cell imaging and analysis using spontaneous Raman / stimulated Raman scattering microscopes in Fujita Lab at Photonics Center, Osaka Univesity, after lectures of priciple and application of Raman imaging techniques

Organizers The Japan Association of Medical Spectroscopy (Chair: Shunich Sato, National Defense Medical College, Japan)
Photonics Center, Osaka University (Director: Katsumasa Fujita)

supported by Japan Science and Technology Agency (JST) - AdCORP / COI-NEXT, National Institute of Advanced Industrial Science and Technology (AIST) - PhotoBIO-OIL

in corporation with Ajinomoto Co.,Inc., Renishaw plc, Systems Engineering Co.,Ltd., Teledyne Japan, Inc.*, Thorlabs Japan, Inc., Tokyo Instruments, Inc., Evident Corp., NF Corp.*, HORIBA, Ltd.*, ANDOR (Oxford Instruments), PHOTOTECHNICA Corp.*, Nikon Solutions Co.,Ltd.*, Bunkoukeiki Co.,Ltd.*, Spectra-Physics (MKS Instruments), JASCO Corp.

*Meet them in the Exhibition.

endorsed by Bioimaging Society, The Biophysical Society of Japan, The Japanese Society of Microscopy, The Japan Society for Laser Microscopy, Japan Optomechatronics Association, The Optical Society of Japan, Japan Society for Cell Biology,
Abstract Submission Prepare your abstract using this template (one A4-page) and submit the abstract PDF file from the abstract submission form. by October 20, 2024

[ Abstract submission form ]
Registration Register for the meeting and the workshop* by November 7, 2024
(on-site registration for participation may not be available)

*The number of participants for the Raman Imaging demonstration on the 27th is limited. In the case of many applications, priority will be given to students and early-career researchers.

[ Registration form ]

Registration Fee
Meeting & Workshop: Regular ¥5,000 / Student ¥2,000
Networking: Regular ¥5,000 / Student ¥2,000​

(Payment method will be announced later.)

Local Organizers Katsumasa Fujita, Osaka University
Yasuaki Kumamoto, Osaka University
Nao Yonemitsu, Osaka University