The International Symposeum on Photonic Biomedical Project (June 8, 1999)
- The international symposeum on Photonic Biomedical Project,
JSPS will be held on June 8, 1999 at Osaka University Convention Center (Osaka University, Suita, Osaka).
The details are shown here.
The 2nd Public Symposeum on Jan. 18, 1999.
- The 2nd public symposeum of "mirai-kaitaku", JSPS was held on Jan. 18, 1999. The place was Sanjo bldg. in University of Tokyo.
The theme was "Search Technology for Cosmic Life". The details are shown here.
"Mirai-kaitaku" meeting from Nov. 23 to 25, 1998.
- The research meeting of "mirai-kaitaku",
JSPS was held in Okuike, Ashiya on Nov. 23 to 25. We Prof. Kawata's group reported progresses
of two-photon fluorescent microscope and optical measurement with ultrasound probe.