Original Papers (Society Journals) 1995
Click the number to see abstracts
H. Kano and S. Kawata,
"Grating-Coupled Surface Plasmon for Measuring the Refractive Index of a Liquid Sample,"
Jpn. J. Appl. Phys., Vol. 34, No. 1, pp. 331-335 (1995).
S. Kawata and Y. Inouye,
"Scanning Probe Optical Microscopy Using a Metallic Probe Tip,"
Ultramicroscopy, Vol. 57, pp. 313-317 (1995).
Y. Inouye and S. Kawata,
"A Scanning near-field optical microscope having scanning electron tunneling microscope capability using a single metallic probe tip,"
Journal of Microscopy, Vol. 178, pp. 14-19 (1995).
T. Sugiura and S. Kawata,
"Enhancement of Axial Trapping Force through the Use of a Polarized Annular Beam,"
Jpn. J. Opt., Vol. 24, No. 7, pp. 408-414 (1995).
Y. Kawata, H. Ueki, Y. Hashimoto and S. Kawata,
"Three Dimensional Optical Memory with a Photorefractive Crystal,"
Appl. Opt., Vol. 34, No. 20, pp. 4105-4110 (1995).
T. Tanaka and S. Kawata,
"Increasing the Depth-of-focus Using an Axicon for Photolithography,"
Jpn. J. Opt., Vol. 24, No. 9, pp. 568-573 (1995).
O. Nakamura and T. Okada,
"A two-photon scanning fluorescence microscope with deep UV excitation and near UV detection,"
Optik, Vol. 100, No.4, pp. 167-170 (1995).
S. Kawata,
"The Use of Nano-scatterer for Neat-field Scanning Microscopy,"
Zoological Studies, Proceedings of Focus on Microscopy '95, Vol.34, Supplement I, pp. 64-66 (1995).

Books 1995
S. Kawata ed.,
"The New Trends in Optical Microscopy Vol. 1: Laser Microscopy and its Applications," (gakusai, 1995).
in Japanese
²ÏÅÄ¡¡Áï, ¡Êʬô¼¹É®¡Ë
·×¬¼«Æ°À©¸æ³Ø²ñ ÊÔ, "¸½Âå·×¬µ»½Ñ¤Î´ðÁõ»½Ñ," (´ÝÁ±, 1995).
C.¡¡ÊªÍý·×¬¡¿ÀºÌ©·×¬¡§¥ì¡¼¥¶¡¼¸²Èù¶À, pp. 284-285.
E.¡¡·×»»¥¢¥ë¥´¥ê¥º¥à¡§¿®¹æ²óÉüÏÀ, pp. 407-408.

Review Articles 1995
S. Kawata,
"Evanescent Optics and Laser Micro-machine,"
OPTONEWS, Vol. 86, pp. 16-18 (1995).
S. Kawata,
"The Use of Nano-scatterer for Near-field Scanning Microscopy,"
Zoological Studies, Vol. 34, Supplement I, pp. 64-66 (1995).
S. Kawata,
"Sensing Technology For Near-field Optical Imaging,"
Medical Imaging Technology , Vol. 13, No. 4, pp. 385-395 (1995).
S. Kawata and Y. Kawata,
"Photorefractive Optical Multilayer Memory,"
Optronics, No. 165, pp. 120-125 (1995).
S. Kawata,
"Softwares for Analytical Chemistry ª¢; Introductions of Data Processing - Advanced Methods in Data Processing,"
BUNSEKI, No. 252, pp. 962-967 (1995).
S. Kawata,
"Evanescent Photons for Motion Control of Small Particles,"
J. Jpn. Soc. Appl. Phys. (Ouyo Buturi), Vol. 64, No. 12, pp. 1211-1215 (1995).

Invited Lectures (International and Domestic Conferences ) 1995
S. Kawata,
"Laser Manipulation, the State-of-art and its Future,"
Proc. 15th Annual Meeting of Laser Society of Japan (Osaka, 1995).
S. Kawata,
"Introductory : the Concept and Review of Super-resolution,"
Textbook of Japan Spectroscopical Society Seminar, "1996 Super-resolution Seminar," pp. 1-13 (Tokyo, 1995).
S. Kawata,
"Super-resolution in Near-field Optics, I. Near-field Optics Theory,"
Textbook of Japan Spectroscopical Society Seminar, "1996 Super-resolution Seminar," pp. 103-124 (Tokyo, 1995).
O. Nakamura,
"Superresolution by Confocal Optics (1) : Theory,"
Textbook of Japan Spectroscopical Society Seminar, "1996 Super-resolution Seminar," pp. 47-60 (Tokyo, 1995).
O. Nakamura,
"Digital Super-resolution : Principle and its Applications,"
Textbook of Japan Spectroscopical Society Seminar, "1996 Super-resolution Seminar," pp. 139-156 (Tokyo, 1995).
S. Kawata,
"Optics for Near-Field Optical Microscopy,"
Textbook of IEICE Kansai Chapter, Lecture Series on Modern Optical Sensing Technology, pp. 88-101 (Osaka, 1995).
S. Kawata and Y. Inouye,
"The Use of Nano-scatterer as a Near-field Optical Microscope Probe,"
International Symposium on Ultra Materials for Picotransfer, p. 84 (Chiba, 1995).
S. Kawata,
"Basic of Digital Signal Processing,"
SICE Seminar on Signal Processing and its Applications to Advanced Sensing Technology (Tokyo, 1995).
S. Kawata,
"New Microscopes and their Industrial Applications,"
First Finnish-Japanese meeting : Optics in Engineering, pp. 99-101 (Lappeenranta, 1995).
S. Kawata,
"Three-dimensional Multilayer Photorefractive Memory,"
Proc. 5th MEG. Topical GRP. Phase Conjugation and Wave Mixing, Opt. Soc. Jpn. Vol. 3, No. 1, pp. 8-11, (Musashino, 1995).
S. Kawata,
"Sensing Technology for Near-field Optical Imaging,"
Medical Imaging Technology (Jpn. Soc. Med. Imag. Tech. Annual Meeting '95), Vol. 13, No. 4, pp. 385-395 (Tokyo, 1995).
S. Kawata,
"Near-Field Optical Microscopy,"
Textbook, Jpn. Spctrosco. Soc. 31th Summer Seminar, "Microscopic Spectroscopy Challenges the Extremes," Vol. 13, No. 4, pp. 385-395 (Kawasaki, 1995).
S. Kawata,
"Near-field Optical Microscopy and Surface Photo-analysis,"
Tokyo Science University, 1995 Analytical Science Seminar, Tokyo, pp. 72-97 (1995).
S. Kawata,
"Multilayer 3D optical storage and its comparison to holographic storage,"
OSA Annual Meeting & Exhibit, p. 152 (Portland, 1995).
S. Kawata and T. Tani,
"Laser-driven micromover in the evanescent field on a channelled waveguide,"
OSA Annual Meeting & Exhibit, p. 168 (Portland, 1995).
S. Kawata,
"Near-field Optics and Small-particle Driving,"
Symposium Digest. Jpn. Soc. Precision Engineering Semiannual Meeting, Vol.13, No.4, pp.385-395 (Okayama, 1995).
S. Kawata,
"Near-field optics and lightwave sensing technology,"
7th Symposium on Sensor and Actuator Technology, pp. 12-19 (Tokyo, 1995).
S. Kawata,
"Photon Dynamics Generated by Interaction between Ultra-fine Structure,"
Joint Meeting, Optical Society of Japan and Applied Optics KONDANKAI, (Osaka, 1995).
O. Nakamura,
"Nonlinear laser-scanning microscope,"
Proc. SLM-16 (Japan Society for Laser Microscopy), pp. 1-5 (Tokyo, 1995).

Original Papers presented at Conferences 1995
S. Kawata, H. Takaoka, Y. Inouye,
"Slit-aperture SNOM for infrared spectroscopic micro-analysis,"
Proc. NFO-3 (3rd International Conference on Near Field Optics), pp. 159-160 (Brno, 1995).
Y. Inouye, S. Kawata,
"Scanning near-field optical and tunneling microscope using a single metallic probe tip and its application,"
Proc. NFO-3 (3rd International Conference on Near Field Optics), pp. 57-58 (Brno, 1995).
O. Nakamura and T. Okada,
"A two-photon scanning fluorescence microscope with deep UV detection and near UV detection,"
Proc. SLM-15 (Japan Society for Laser Microscopy), pp. 1-4 (Osaka, 1995).
K. Fujita,S. Kawata,
"Laser feedback microscopy controlling the lasing state of a semiconductor laser,"
Proc. SLM-15 (Japan Society for Laser Microscopy), pp. 11-17 (Osaka, 1995).
S. Kawata, H. Takaoka, and H. Furukawa,
"Scanning Near-Field Microscope Using Slit Probe for Infrared Spectrum Analysis,"
Proc. JNFO-3, pp. 19-26 (Osaka, 1995).
T. Tani, S. Kawata,
"Fields formed by a particle on an optical wave-guide and motion of a particle : experiment and analysis,"
Proc. JNFO-3, pp. 44-49 (Osaka, 1995).
T. Tanaka, S. Kawata,
"Three-dimensional optical card storage with thirty recording-layers,"
CLEO/Pacific Rim '95, pp. 70-71 (Chiba, 1995).
S. Kawata, T. Tani,
"Laser-driven micromover in the evanescent field on a channelled waveguide,"
OSA Annual Meeting & Exhibit, ILS-XI program, p. 94 (Portland, 1995).
H. Furukawa, S. Kawata,
"Comparison of the NSOM images between constant distance mode and constant height mode using FD-TD analysis,"
Proc. JNFO-3, pp. 7-12 (Tokyo, 1995).
Y. Inouye and S. Kawata,
"Near-field scanning optical microscope of reflection mode using a single metallic probe tip and observation of semiconductor having fine structure,"
Proc. NFO-OSJ4, pp. 53-58 (Tokyo, 1995).
O. Nakamura, K. Fujita, Y. Kawata, and S. Kawata,
"Laser scanning microscopy with phase conjugation,"
Proc. SLM-16, pp. 49-56 (Tokyo, 1995).
T. Shigeoka, S. Imanishi, S. Kawata,
"Heterodyne feedback interferometric microscope using beat frequency tunable longitudinal Zeeman laser,"
Proc. SLM-16, pp. 57-62 (Tokyo, 1995).

Domestic Meetings 1995
The 42th Spring Meeting, 1995 ; The Japan Society of Applied Physics
95-1 T. Tani, S. Kawata,
"Analysis of Radiation Force for Cylinder in Evanescent Wave,"
Extended Abstracts (The 42th Spring Meeting, 1995);The Japan Society of Applied Physics, p. 887
95-2 T. Tani, S. Kawata,
"Particle Drive using Evanescent Wave caused by Channel Waveguide,"
Extended Abstracts (The 42th Spring Meeting, 1995);The Japan Society of Applied Physics, p. 887
95-3 S. Imanishi, T. Shigeoka, S. Kawata,
"Beat-Frequency Tunable Axial Zeeman Laser 2 - Improvement in the Beat-Wave Form,"
Extended Abstracts (The 42th Spring Meeting, 1995);The Japan Society of Applied Physics, p. 893
95-4 Y. Inouye, S. Kawata,
"Near-field scanning optical microscope using a metallic probe tip(4) - Application to the bio-sample imaging -,"
Extended Abstracts (The 42th Spring Meeting, 1995);The Japan Society of Applied Physics, p. 916
95-5 O. Nakamura, T. Okada,
"Two-photon scanning fluorescence microscope with deep UV excitation and near UV detection,"
Extended Abstracts (The 42th Spring Meeting, 1995);The Japan Society of Applied Physics, p. 917
95-6 T. Tanaka, S. Kawata,
"Optical-card Memory with Thirty Recording Layers,"
Extended Abstracts (The 42th Spring Meeting, 1995);The Japan Society of Applied Physics, p. 1031

'95 ½Õµ¨Ê¬¸÷³Ø²ñ Åìµþ
95-7 H. Takaoka, Y. Inouye and S. Kawata,
"Slit-probe scanning near field microscope for infrared micro-spectroscopic analysis," p.114

The 56th Autumn Meeting, 1995 ; The Japan Society of Applied Physics
95-8 N. Tomosada, O. Nakamura, Y. Inouye, S. Kawata,
"Force measurement using a laser-trapped probe,"
Extended Abstracts (The 56th Autumn Meeting, 1995);The Japan Society of Applied Physics, p. 362
95-9 S. Kawata, H. Takaoka, H. Furukawa,
"Super-resolved spectral imaging of organic materials using IR-NSOM,"
Extended Abstracts (The 56th Autumn Meeting, 1995);The Japan Society of Applied Physics, p. 813
95-10 H. Furukawa, S. Kawata,
"Self-consistent numerical analysis of micro-structure probe in a NSOM,"
Extended Abstracts (The 56th Autumn Meeting, 1995);The Japan Society of Applied Physics, p. 813
95-11 Y. Kawata, K. Fujita, O. Nakamura, S. Kawata,
"4 Pi confocal optical system using phase conjugation,"
Extended Abstracts (The 56th Autumn Meeting, 1995);The Japan Society of Applied Physics, p. 814
95-12 K. Fujita, S. Kawata,
"Threshold-controlled imaging with a semiconductor laser-feedback microscope,"
Extended Abstracts (The 56th Autumn Meeting, 1995);The Japan Society of Applied Physics, p. 824

95-13 S. Maruo, O. Nakamura, and S. Kawata,
"Three-dimensional Micro-stereolithography with Photopolymer,"
95-14 H. Kano, S. Kawata,
"Two-photon excited surface plasmon resonance fluorescence using near-infrared laser : proposal and experiment," JAPAN OPTICS '95 EXTENDED ABSTRACTS, p. 143
95-15 S. Imanishi, T. Shigeoka, and S. Kawata,
"Beat-frequency-tunable axial Zeeman laser with a single longitudinal mode laser,"
95-16 A. Toriumi, Y. Kawata, and S. Kawata,
"Rewritable optical memory in photochromic material and examination on three-dimensional optical memory,"
95-17 Y. Kawata, T. Tanaka, and S. Kawata,
"Three dimensional optical memory using Bi12SiO20 crystal : Analysis and experiment,"