Last update: 29 May 2008

Dr. Nicholas Isaac Smith
Nano-Biophotonics Group, Graduate School of Frontier
Biosciences, Osaka University
I work as a Lecturer in the Department of
Applied Physics, funded by the Photonics Center of Osaka University. I
previously worked as an Assistant Professor in the
Graduate School of Frontier Biosciences (FBS) at Osaka University, in
the Nano-Biophotonics group. Our laboratory groups in FBS and Physics
work together, sharing equipment and research strategies. We have a
hybrid group blending physics and bio technologies, and do research
ranging from heart muscle cell physics, to nanofabrication, to nanoscale
spectroscopy as well as cover a range of topics in optics.
Most of our research
is focused on either the very small, or the very fast. We use laser
light to either image, create or modify complex nanoscale structures. By
illuminating these structures with a laser for less than a trillionth of
a second, we open up new nanoscale (nanophotonics), biological (biophotonics)
or hybrid (nanobiophotonics) applications of light.
Contact Information
The best contact address for me is: Department of Applied
Physics, Graduate School of Engineering, Osaka University, 2-1 Yamadaoka,
Suita, Osaka 565-0871 Japan
Telephone: +81-6-6879-7847
Fax: +81-6-6879-7330
FBS homepage:
Applied physics:
If you want to contact me, be sure to remove the
word "shpam." from the above address.
Current Research Interests
I am studying the interactions of ultrashort
pulses of light with biological systems. In particular, near- infrared
light pulses of femtosecond duration are commonly used in multiphoton
fluorescence and nonlinear microscopy. When the light intensity exceeds
the safe threshold for the sample, it is possible to cause controlled
modifications in the sample. These light-sample interactions can then be
used to study how the cell works, how it signals to other cells, and how
it responds to and repairs damage. My doctoral thesis was focused on
these topics.
With my colleagues, we are now applying these ideas to study how such
interactions can be used to investigate, probe, or perturb living
biological systems. Recently, we have shown that femtosecond pulsed
laser light can generate calcium responses in cells, and demonstrated
that this effect may be applied to create action potentials in neurons
and contraction of heart muscle cells.
Previous Research at Sydney University
I did my honours degree and later did graduate
research at the University of Sydney. This research was focused on using
new techniques to linearize the phase response of the differential
interference contrast microscope. We created a new microscope system
using a phase-stepping algorithm, CCD, and computer-based image
reconstruction to obtain pure phase images of transparent specimens.
This allows biologists to see details which were previously hidden
by transparency variations in the sample.
Original Papers
- N.I. Smith, Y. Kumamoto, S. Iwanaga, J. Ando, K. Fujita,
and S. Kawata, "A femtosecond laser pacemaker for heart muscle cells,"
Optics Express, 16, 8604-8616, (2008)
- K. Hamada, K. Fujita, N. Smith, M. Kobayashi, Y. Inouye,
and S. Kawata, "Raman microscopy for dynamic molecular imaging of
living cells," Journal of Biomedical Optics (in press).
- Y. Saito, M. Kobayashi, D. Hiraga, K. Fujita, S. Kawano, N.
Smith, Y. Inouye, and S. Kawata, "Z-polarization sensitive
detection in micro Raman spectroscopy by radially polarized incident
light," Journal of Raman Spectroscopy (in press).
- S. Iwanaga, N.I. Smith, K. Fujita, S. Kawata, "Slow Ca2+
wave stimulation using low repetition rate femtosecond pulsed
irradiation", Optics Express, 14, 717-725, (2006)
- S. Iwanaga, T. Kaneko, K. Fujita, N.I. Smith, O. Nakamura,
T. Takamatsu, and S. Kawata, "Location-dependent Photogeneration of
calcium waves in HeLa cells," Cell Biochemistry and Biophysics,
45, 167-176 (2006)
- N. I. Smith, S. Iwanaga, T. Beppu, K. Fujita, O. Nakamura,
and S. Kawata, "Photostimulation of two types of Ca2+ waves in rat
pheochromocytoma PC12 cells by ultrashort pulsed near-infrared laser
irradiation," Laser Physics Letters, 3, 154-161 (2006)
- S. Iwanaga, N.I. Smith, K. Fujita, S. Kawata, and O.
Nakamura, "Single pulse cell stimulation with a near-infrared
picosecond laser", Applied Physics Letters, 87, 243901 (2005).
- M. R. Arnison, K. G. Larkin, C. J. R. Sheppard, N. I. Smith, and
C. J. Cogswell Linear phase imaging using differential interference
contrast microscopy, Journal of Microscopy., 214, 7-12 (2004).
- P.
A. Robinson, I. H. Cairns, and N. I. Smith, "Unified
Theory of Monochromatic and Broadband Modulational and Decay
Instabilities of Langmuir Waves", Physics
of Plasmas , 9,
4149-4159, (2002).
- N. Smith, K. Fujita, T. Kaneko, K.
Kato, O. Nakamura, T. Takamatsu, and S. Kawata, "Generation of
calcium waves in living cells by pulsed laser-induced
photodisruption," Applied Physics Letters, 79, 8, pp.
1208-1210 (2001).
- N. Smith, K. Fujita, O. Nakamura, and
S. Kawata, "Subsurface microprocessing of collagen in 3D by
ultrashort laser pulses," Applied Physics Letters, 78, pp.
999-1001 (2001).
- M.
R. Arnison, C. J. Cogswell, N. I. Smith, P. W. Fekete, and K.
G. Larkin, "Using the Hilbert transform for 3D visualization of
differential interference contrast microscope images", Journal
of Microscopy, 199,
79-84, (2000).
- S.
Shoji, N. Smith, and S. Kawata, "Photofabrication of a
photonic crystal using interference of a UV laser", Proceedings
SPIE, 3740, 541-544,
- I.
H. Cairns, P. A. Robinson, and N. I. Smith, "Arguments
against modulational instabilities of Langmuir waves in Earth's
foreshock", Journal of
Geophysical Research, 103
(A1), 287-299, (1998).
- C.
J. Cogswell, N. I. Smith, K. G. Larkin, and P. Hariharan,
"Quantitative DIC microscopy using a geometric phase
shifter", Proceedings
SPIE, 2984, 72-81,
- C.
J. Cogswell, N. I. Smith, K. G. Larkin, and P. Hariharan,
"DIC microscopy made quantitative using a geometric phase
shifter", Cell Vision (Now Applied
Immunohistochemistry and Molecular Morphology), 4, 243-244,
- Contribution
to “Biological Imaging and Sensing”, edited by Satoshi Kawata.
Springer-Verlag (Berlin)
- Contribution to "Nanophotonics - Integrating
Photochemistry, Optics and Nano/Bio Materials Studies", edited by
Hiroshi Masuhara and Satoshi Kawata, Elsevier
- Nicholas Isaac Smith, Shigeki Iwanaga,
Taro Beppu, Katsumasa Fujita, Osamu Nakamura, and Satoshi Kawata, "
Femtosecond laser-induced calcium release in neural-type cells", SPIE
PhotonicsWest BIOS 2005 (invited), (San Jose, USA, January 24 2005)
- Nicholas Smith, Shigeki Iwanaga, Taro Beppu, Katsumasa
Fujita, Satoshi Kawata, and Osamu Nakamura, "Femtosecond laser-induced
calcium release in rat neural-type cells", OWLS8, (Melbourne,
Australia, December 2004)
- Nicholas
Katsumasa Fujita, Tomoyuki Kaneko, Shigeki Iwanaga, Osamu Nakamura,
Tetsuro Takamatsu, and Satoshi Kawata, "Mechanisms and
applications of ultrashort pulsed laser interactions with living
cells”, Focus on Microscopy 2003, (Genova, Italy, April
- N. Smith, K. Fujita, O. Nakamura, S.
Kawata, and T. Takamatsu, "Subsurface Ablation of Biological
Materials by Ultra-short Laser Pulses," The 4th
Japanese-Finnish Joint Symposium of Optics In Engineering, pp. 87-88
(Osaka, 25-27 October 2001).
- N. Smith, K. Fujita, T. Kaneko, O.
Nakamura, T. Takamatsu, and S. Kawata, "Calcium response in
live HeLa cells by multiphoton laser stimulation," OSA Annual
Meeing 2001 (Long Beach, 14-18 October, 2001).
- N. Smith, K. Fujita, O. Nakamura, and
S. Kawata, "Subsurface ablation of biological materials by
ultra-short laser pulses," CLEO/Pacific Rim 2001, pp.I.230-231
(Chiba, 15-19 July 2001).
- Nicholas
Katsumasa Fujita, Tomoyuki Kaneko, Shigeki Iwanaga, Osamu Nakamura,
and Satoshi Kawata, "Biomedical applications of ultrashort-pulsed
laser technology", 1st
Awaji Conference (Awaji, April 2002)
- Nicholas
Katsumasa Fujita, Tomoyuki Kaneko, Shigeki Iwanaga, Osamu Nakamura,
and Satoshi Kawata, "Nanoscale 3D surgery in biological
materials with femtosecond lasers", The
Optical Society of America (OSA), 2001 Annual Meeting, ILS -
XVII: 17th Interdisciplinary Laser Science Conference, (California,
October 2001)
- N.
I. Smith,
K. Fujita, O. Nakamura, S. Kawata and T. Takamatsu, "Subsurface
ablation of Biological Materials by Ultra-Short Laser Pulses", The
4th Pacific Rim Conference on Lasers and Electro-Optics (CLEO),
(Chiba, July 2001)
- N.
I. Smith,
K. Fujita, T. Kaneko, K. Kato, O. Nakamura, T. Takamatsu, and S.
Kawata, "NIR Multiphoton Laser-Induced Stimulation of Living
Biological Cells", The
Japan Society of Applied Physics, The
49th Spring Meeting, 2001, Extended Abstracts; p.1031 (Tokyo, 2001)
- N.
I. Smith,
K. Fujita, O. Nakamura, and S. Kawata, "Laser-induced
subsurface ablation in biological tissue with sub-micron 3D
resolution by infra-red ultra-short pulses", The
First Students' International Symposium on Advanced Engineering,
p.35 (Osaka, December 2000)
- N.
I. Smith,
O. Nakamura and S. Kawata, "NIR Two-photon Laser-induced
Ablation in Biological Tissues," The
Japan Society of Applied Physics, The 61st Autumn Meeting,
p.892, (Sapporo, September, 2000)
- N.
I. Smith,
C. J. Cogswell, M. R. Arnison, and P. Hariharan,
"Phase-shifting techniques linearise the microscope phase
response in a confocal microscope operating in the Differential
Interference Contrast (DIC) mode", 10th
International Conference on Confocal Microscopy & 11th
International Conference on 3d Image Processing in Microscopy
(Focus on Microscopy), (Sydney, April 1998)
- N. I. Smith, C. J. Cogswell, M. R.
Arnison, and P. Hariharan, "Phase-shifting techniques linearise
the Differential Interference Contrast (DIC) microscope phase
response", XI Australian Optical Society Annual conference
(Adelaide, December 1997)
- Student
chapter award received for “Subsurface ablation of Biological
Materials by Ultra-Short Laser Pulses” at The
4th Pacific Rim Conference on Lasers and Electro-Optics
Miscellaneous Research Articles and Press
- "Near-infrared laser generates calcium
waves", page 54, March 2002, Biophotonics International.
- "Laser Technique Monitors
Calcium", page 65, Janurary 2002, Photonics Spectra.
- Nikkan Kougyou Shinbun newspaper (in
Japanese), Jan 17, 2002.
- Nikkei Business Weekly newspaper (in
Japanese), May 23, 2001.